Democrats and Public Perception

Why I take election predictions with a grain of salt

Carolyn Bertolino
5 min readOct 21, 2022
Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Yesterday I answered a call I normally wouldn’t, from an Iowa number I didn’t know. It was an election poll. I answered questions about what candidates I’m voting for in my home state. Then came the inevitable “How well do you think President Biden is doing?” It got me thinking, again, that he’s the best president of my lifetime.

I’m sure we’ve all seen the articles about people who don’t want Biden to run. According to the polls, a lot of people would probably say I’m using strong language in my favorable opinion of the president.

I believe my reasons are justified, though. First, there’s the absence of negatives. So far, the Biden-Harris administration hasn’t really done much that I disagree with, executively or legislatively. Nor has the Democratic congress, as far as they’ve been able to without a 60-vote threshold.

I don’t personally benefit from the partial student loan relief or lower Medicare drug costs, but I’m okay with it. It’s nice to see campaign promises fulfilled. Nor do I have a problem with executive action on climate change, ghost guns, or marijuana conviction expungements.

Here are some things that come to mind when comparing the Biden presidency against other Democratic presidents…

